World YWCA's Podcast
World YWCA's Podcast
#BulletAndDove: When women are at tables, peace is long lasting
The World YWCA, in collaboration with Geneva Peace Week 2022, bring you a conversation on the role that women and cross-regional solidarity play in the peace processes. The World YWCA is a grassroots, feminist, community-driven movement that has worked tirelessly for the past 167 years to make the world a safer and more just place for women and young women and girls globally. Over the years the YWCA movement has signed more than 40 resolutions aimed at peace and justice, contributing massively to the UNSCR1325. A key piece of this work lies in the support that YWCA organizations give one another as they advocate for women at peace tables. By understanding that global systems of oppression and conflict are interlocked, partnerships such as that between YWCA Palestine and YWCA Japan are formed, where learnings, support and solidarity informs peace processes.
To learn more about this seemingly unlikely coalition, we have Amal Tarazi from Palestine and Sumie Ogasawara from Japan tell us more about their experiences in practices of cross-regional solidarity, debunking assumptions about conflict being a fact we should not question, and the uniquely indisputable role women play in the fight for peace with justice under the #BulletAndDove concept.